Saturday, April 21, 2007
这支 MV 是我的最爱。。。
邱泽 - 秋天的地图
而且 MV 拍得好美。。。
邱泽 - 他们很忙 Easy 4 U
这支 MV 概念是蛮大胆的。。。
何润东 & 邱泽 & 王宗尧 & 钟兆康 - 风
这首歌的 Key 很像太过高了。。。
其他四人的声音好像比你 Key 的高很多。。。
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Seducing Mr Perfect
Watch and learn...
From Uhm Jung Hwa...
"Seducing Mr Perfect"/ "Mr. 로빈 꼬시기"/ "Mr. Robin Ggosigi"
Same Old
“Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky his is to have you.... The one who turns to his friends and says, 'that's her.'”
Itti Ming playing around in her cage...
Even though hamsters' eyesight are supposedly quite bad, I think she can see my handphone filming her...
Cos she looked at the camera a few times...
Ha ha ha..
So camera conscious...
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
My New Academic Module - Beauty Credit....
Cos in my blur queen state I could not manage to locate the Kiehl's store in Vivo City despite combing the entire second and ground floor...
So I gave up...
And I continued shopping with my mum...
Until we reached the basement to search for food...
I saw it...
Not Kiehl's...
But Beauty Credit...
The beauty care range from Korea that currently has Hyun Bin (from "My Lovely Samsoon") as the spokesperson...
I know of this brand cos I've been searching online for videos with Daniel Henney, and I chanced upon a TVC with Hyun Bin, and that was for Beauty Credit...
When I saw the TVC, my first impression was not of the product, or of Hyun Bin...
But the fact that the packaging was very nice!!!
Being suckers for packaging...
I checked out the store after dinner and bought the bare essentials...
Just look at the cute packaging for the loose powder and compact!!!
The brand symbol is that of a rocking horse...
Which to me...
Basically exudes the air of royalty and innocence...
You'll feel like a princess when you use the products...

After using these for about 1 month, I went for a free facial...
After which I signed on for a facial package with their sister company Chrysalis Spa...
And I got MORE and MORE products...

I think that their range of products are quite effective...
Recently I got a tea tree extract spot essence for acne or pimples...
And it "killed" my heaty pimple in 2 days' time...
Not too bad for something that's worth 1/3 the price of something from Kiehl's or other more expensive brands...
Same Old
PS: Please refer to my "Same Old Random Snaps" album for more pics of the products that I've bought...
Itti Ming - The body Contortionist
And these are just some of the various cute, but interesting positions that my hammie likes to snooze or take her afternoon naps in...
I especially like it when she curls up into a ball and hides in the corner of the cage...
Making her look very much like a ball of fur from afar...
And sometimes when she's sleeping in her curled up sitting position, she falls down when she goes into deep sleep...
Just like a child, that falls asleep while playing...
*nod... nod... nod... fall.... zzzzzz*

Same Old
Monday, April 16, 2007
Itti Ming & her Bugs Bunny Teeth
Which Band Member Should You Date?
You belong with a bassist.
Whenever you see a band live, you probably feel a powerful connection with that one musician who's over to the side of the stage, not saying much. You'd never want the high-profile hassle of dating a singer or lead guitarist, so you'll be much happier with a calm, down-to-earth bassist. The stereotypical bassist is less attention crazed than his/her bandmates, but he/she still knows how to rock out. Bassists like their music loud, but on a personal level, they tend to be kind of quiet and mellow. Bass players are proof that dating a rock star doesn’t have to be about crowded after-parties… it can be about chilling out and listening to music together with headphones built for two.
I never thought I'll be saying this...
But I think this is so true...
Ha ha...
Maybe that's why I liked Mark Owen's bassist, instead of mark Owen when he came here to promote "Green Man" last time...
And Ste McNally's kinda like a bassist in BBMak too...
Same Old
Sunday, April 15, 2007
What is your Sun Sign?
This is Taurus Central...
Everything you need to know about Taurus....
April 20 - May 20
It's the Bull that serves as the Taurean's mascot, and along with that comes the expectation that these folks are bull-headed and stubborn. Yes, they are. Hey, this Sign has a Fixed Quality attached to it after all, so expect that things will occasionally grind to a halt. That said, Taureans don't start out with the intention of getting stuck. They simply want to get things done, and it's that steady, dogged persistence that winds up being viewed as stubbornness. Bulls are actually among the most practical and reliable members of the Zodiac, and they are happy to plod along, as it were, in pursuit of their goals. The good news for Bulls is that once they get to the finish line, they'll swaddle themselves in material goods. A self-indulgent beast? Perhaps, but if you toiled as laboriously as these folks do, you'd need some goodies, too.
Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus, a lovely gal who didn't deny herself many things. In ancient Roman mythology, Venus was the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Pleasure, and Taureans have pretty much taken up where she left off. Bulls are fond of all things pretty, whether it's in their home, at a museum or on the stage. Life as one sweet pas de deux is how the Taurean-born like it. To onlookers, this may look like so much materialism and blessed excess, but Bulls really aren't interested in living without beauty in their lives. Beauty to the Bull also comes in the way of a happy home life, one which includes a partner and a stable relationship.
Taureans value harmony in their personal lives, so they'll work hard on keeping their mate happy. The Bull's penchant for sensual pleasures, of course, can only help things along! Bulls can also be the sappiest of sentimentalists. Will all this overweening attention to their mate turn a Bull into a possessive mess? Probably not, although these folks do have to manage their tendency to latch on a bit tight. At the end of the day, however, the Taurean-born are true romantics and loyal to the core.
The Element associated with Taurus is Earth. No pie-in-the-sky for these practical folks, since they'd much rather be on terra firma. Bulls tend toward conservatism, and this is often seen in their day-to-day behavior. No far-out schemes (that's Air) or shrieking ultimatums (more like Fire) here. Taureans far prefer to take each day slowly and steadily and work toward their ultimate goal. Along these lines, those born under this Sign are happy to stick with their projects until they have reached a successful conclusion. They are also extremely patient and dependable along the way. Does that sound earthy enough? The only kink in this well-oiled chain is the heckler in the gallery that tries to upbraid the Bull. These folks may not have a hair-trigger temper, but it's short enough. Bulls in a hissy fit can get pretty argumentative, but eventually they'll calm down and come back to center, since these folks would much rather be Zen. The Earth in this Sign does tend to act as a balancing mechanism so that things never get truly out of hand. For every one person who considers the Bull a pain, there are two who will say 'No way!' and happily take the Taurean's gentle charms any day.
Seeing as how Bulls are generally strong and well-built, it's no surprise that these folks enjoy testing their strength on the field of play. Expect to find a Bull engaged in a spirited game of hoops or mountain climbing. Hiking is also a favorite pastime, since it keeps Taureans close to their beloved earth. Indoor adventures are also favored by Bulls, which is why the opera or ballet is right up a Taurean's alley. When it comes to love, the Taurus-born are devoted, romantic and somewhat possessive. Their sensual nature has a way of erasing any mistakes! Since Taurus rules the neck and throat, Bulls would be wise to keep a silky scarf at hand, ideally in a warm (and soothing) earth tone.
The great strength of the Taurean-born is in their stability, loyalty and dogged determination. Bulls want to get the job done, and they will. What better way to get the riches they so fervently crave?
Taurus Beauty Profile
Even though the symbol of Taurus is the very male bull, this Fixed Earth Sign is all about potent femininity, the kind of natural, earthy beauty that changes lives and moves mountains. Now that's better than thinking of yourself as a slow, stubborn old bull, right? Taurus women radiate a simple but powerful beauty; it's this subtlety that is a Taurus woman's greatest charm.
You probably own very few cosmetic products, but what you do own is the very best (for you, at least), and you stick with a tried-and-true -- if it ain't broke, don't fix it, they say. While you appreciate a brand name, what you're really looking for is quality, and though you prefer simplicity to showiness, you know how to highlight your best features and downplay your less-than-perfections.
Taurus, with your steady gaze and flawless complexion, should grow out your natural curls rather than force them straight, or keep your nails trimmed short if you just know long and sexy won't work for you. You adore the small, sensual pleasures of beauty -- sensual fabrics, natural, revitalizing skin creams and perfume with a woodsy, balsamic scent.
You prefer your hair flowing naturally over your shoulder or a loose tendril falling across your forehead. It's through these tiny but generous gestures of understated femininity that you as a Taurus assert your beauty.
Taurus Career Profile
The Bull could be considered the worker bee of the Zodiac, not the image you might have of this hard-charging sort. Taurus is reliable and loyal, easy to get along with and a good team player. They're also practical and grounded, as befits an Earth Sign.
If you want things to get done, call the Bull. You may have to ring them two or three times, though, since they can be a bit lazy to get going, but once they're up and running, look out! There's a focus and single-mindedness of purpose there that can come in plenty handy. Taureans can be notoriously strong-willed, so it's a good idea for colleagues to lay down the law first -- the Bull will follow their lead and work hard. So hard, in fact, that Taureans are often the pillar of a company, the community and certainly their family. Hey, that's what those strong shoulders are for! Organization is also something that is best placed in the Bull's capable hands.
While the Bull can do well in business, an artistic streak is also present. More apparent, though, can be the Bull's frequent stubborn streaks, which can defeat a lot of hard work. And that temper! It's mercifully swift, so duck while plates are flying, and you'll be fine. If Taureans can keep their focus on the steady accumulation of material goods and an occasional dose of earthy, sensual pleasures, life will be grand.
The Taurus office is likely to be a comfy, cozy den, a place where guests will feel welcome and the Bull can hold court. Driving around between appointments is likely to be done in a sport utility vehicle, with ski racks on top as a sign of practicality and success. If it's a lunch date you crave, the Bull can just as easily take you for a BLT or filet mignon -- it all depends on your value to this discerning member of the Zodiac.
Taureans are well suited as bankers, artists, accountants, musicians, gardeners or any profession that requires patience and determination.
Taurus Fitness Profile
Persistent Taurus is ready to plod along any sort of fitness routine. You know that slow and steady win the race. While others are racing around you, you're content to go about your business, knowing you'll get there eventually. Many Taureans have a strong build with a slightly slower metabolism. Weight lifting and shot put are good plans for the solid Bull. When playing team sports, you'll probably be much happier if you have an important role in keeping the team together. As a Fixed Sign, stretching is very important. You may want to try yoga and meditation for added flexibility. Be wary of your sweet tooth! Taurus likes finery, but living too much of the good life can put a strain on your heart.
The Taurus diet from Diets A-to-Z: High Protein Diet
Sensuous, food-loving Taurus -- on a diet? No way! But you could use a little help shedding those extra pounds … Find out here about a diet that lets you eat all that rich, yummy stuff you love.
The pristine Bull would never be caught wearing anything off the rack. Face it, you're a label snob the likes of which any designer would be proud. You would know exactly what to wear to dinner with royalty, and even your workout clothes are created by big-name designers. Only the finest of imported fabrics will do. Anything that is rough to the touch just wouldn't be civilized. Never willing to sacrifice quality, you are quite capable of spending your last dime to get that gorgeous, classical suit tailor-made. Price is no object because you know that when you find that perfect garment, it will be yours forever. Well-made clothes never go out of style. Trends and fashion are not the most important part of your wardrobe. Stiletto heels are silly things when flats are much more comfortable.
For Taurus, their best feature is often the neck. Classy chokers and necklaces look marvelous on you, and tying on a scarf appeals to the most classic part of your nature. You should wear your hair up and decorate it with emeralds. Bright colors and flashy glamour can be left for the plebeians, you will stick to your browns, beiges and khakis. With your sense of fashion, you will never be underdressed for any occasion, and you will always look good.
Fave Label: Marc Jacobs for Louis VuittonWould Look Good On: Cate Blanchett
Taurus Friendship Profile
When they say they're your best friend forever, the Bull means it. They take childhood friendship oaths seriously, and still have the other half of that charm necklace in which are inscribed the words "Best Friends Forever." Their friendship stands the test of time, and many Taurean friends have been this devoted since childhood. Constant, steady, loyal and devoted, this friend will stand by you through life. If you need to call someone to pick you up in the middle of a snowy night because your car broke down, Taurus will be there in a flash, hot cocoa in gloved hand. Be warned, though, this is only if you've proven yourself to be as loyal a friend to them as they are to you. It's a case of them scratching your back if you scratch theirs. Taurus makes a steady friend, but be careful not to arouse their jealousy. This Fixed Sign will be possessive of their buddies and aren't so likely to understand the old adage that "absence makes the heart grow fonder." You'll find a wonderful friend in Taurus, so long as you don't cancel any plans at the last minute.
Best Friend Bets: Pisces, Cancer
Taurus: Karmic Life Lessons
Taurus's main lesson in life is to learn that self-worth exists separately from what we have or own; our self-worth is an internal thing, untouchable from the outside, unbreakable by loss or misfortune. Taurus knows how to be generous, but should also learn how to let go of material possessions -- and other people. That possessive tendency can extend to lovers as well; Taurus is one of the most jealous, possessive Signs of the Zodiac. That old saying, "If you love someone, set them free," should be made into a tee-shirt just for Taureans to wear! Being quite stubborn as well (a quality of being a Fixed Sign), Taurus can really hold a grudge. And when Taurus gets angry, others won't want to get in the way; Taurus can be truly aggressive, even combative, when its passion is aroused. Like everyone, Taurus must learn that no one can control anyone's actions but their own. If a lover strays, Taurus must learn not to dwell on the pain and injustice of it all, but to move on gracefully.
Also thanks in part to that Fixed Quality, Taurus tends to fear change -- of any kind, bad or good! Those born under its influence just want to stick with the status quo and can get a real bee in their bonnets when things are different from how they think they "should" be. Some changes are positive; after all, with no change there would be only stagnancy. Change opens the door to new, wonderful things; even painful change, like moving residences or ending a relationship, often leads to great overall improvement. Furthermore, change means growth and as living beings, growth is what we do. If Taurus could simply relax into change and accept it, all would be well. The trick is to trust ourselves to handle the uncertainty of life. For steady, stable Taurus, uncertainty can be the worst thing in the world! It isn't inherently negative, however; Taurus just thinks it is.
Taurus can learn these lessons in part by taking cues from other Signs. Leo, the Sign of the Lion, possesses the courage of heart that Taurus, who possesses strength but also fear, may lack; Taureans should look to their Leo friends for lessons in turning that strength into bravery. Magnetic, charismatic Scorpio can teach stubborn Taurus about being dynamic, about turning on the charm to get what it wants rather than resorting to stubborn insistence as the road to getting things done. And Taurus can look to progressive, forward-thinking Aquarius for lessons in how to let go of personal, material possessions in favor of embracing new ideas. Aquarius can teach Taurus to value change -- even thrive on it!
Taurus Kid ProfileIf you're a Taurus you probably like to sit out during recess while everyone else runs around. Taurus is an Earth Sign, which means you like to eat yummy food and you don't like to move too fast! In fact, you like to do everything when you're good and ready, and not a minute before. When your Mom and Dad tell you to clean your room, you might feel pretty stubborn. That's the way Taureans are! Taurus is represented by the Bull, a sturdy, tough animal that likes to move at its own pace. Just like you!
Taurus Money ProfileThe slow and steady Bull is one of the Zodiac's great providers. Those born under this Sign are terrific with money, probably because they value it so much. They also love the good life, and that usually costs a pretty penny -- after all, how many Van Goghs go on sale?
Thankfully, the Bull doesn't mind working hard for the good things in life since comfort is worth its price. That's not to say that Taureans don't get a charge from a sunset, a juicy grapefruit, and a good book as well. It's just that shiny new cars are so pretty, and they run like a dream, too, which is exactly what the practical Bull wants. As an Earth Sign, Taureans also enjoy owning a piece of the Earth, so real estate makes for a particularly attractive investment for these folks. It's also a great way to take care of the ones they love.
Taureans have a wonderful ability to keep their eyes on the prize, which means that they will slowly and steadily get the things they want. The Bull loves everything about money -- its color, feel, and smell -- and also feels entitled to it! This comfort level around money helps to make them very good with it. Bulls don't tend to overspend, preferring the security which a stash of money brings. Liking security in general (a partner, their own home), Taureans aren't likely to make rash financial decisions that will cause them to lose their treasure trove.
Tangible assets are best where Taureans are concerned, things which they can see, feel, and touch. Consequently, antiques and real estate are far more appealing than stocks and bonds. Bulls are often long-term investors as well, since they like both making and keeping money. What does the lusty Bull love most in life? Food, sex, and money, although not necessarily in that order!
The Bull is a master at making deliberate decisions where money is concerned, which means that bills will be paid on time and accounts are always in order. That old maxim "neither a borrower nor a lender be" fits the strong and capable Bull to a Taurean T.
Taurus Technology Profile
As a Taurus, you are interested in reaping the benefits and enjoying the end results of your hard work. This will not change when it comes to technology. You are looking for the value of your online experience to exceed all expectations. You know better than anyone that you are fond of the pleasures of life, so your mind will be spinning to figure out how computers can contribute. Virtual reality, vivid pictures, and surround sound help you get the feel for the technology at hand. Experiences that involve your senses are always up your alley. Your practical side gives you a purpose to your Web surfing. Shopping online offers you the ideal venue to venture into possessing the finer things in life.
Taurus Travel ProfileSlow and steady pretty much
sums up a Taurus ...
... on the road. The Bull is a careful planner, knowing full-well what's needed to make a trip both successful and worth their time. Taking a trip is no small task for these folks, which means they wouldn't think twice about spending a year planning the perfect excursion, poring over stacks of travel books to map their dream itinerary.
Does this mean a trip with the Bull will wind up being "my way or the highway?" Hey, they don't call them bull-headed for nothing! That said, pampered (and pampering) Taureans are likely to set an agenda that's rife with sensual pleasures -- top hotels, great meals and a night at the opera are all to be expected. Even the luggage will be top-of-the-line, whether it's a Louis Vuitton trunk or a sturdy Eastpak bag.
The Bull will also spend a pretty penny while on the road, although probably not more than their bank account can handle. Is it likely that Taureans will wait a lifetime for that six-month whirl through Europe? Maybe. But for these folks, the trip will be everything they want (and need) when they finally get there!
Taurus Destinations
one thing's for certain:
The journey will be first-class. The Grand Tour (of Europe, for example) is right up their alley: the Louvre in Paris followed by opera at La Scala and the castles along the Rhine. India could be on the agenda, but probably just for the Taj Mahal. National parks? Hey, Yosemite's got the Ahwahnee Hotel, a great place to spend the night after a day of hiking. The Bull is focused on the beauty all around, so museums and music are likely to be coupled with fine hotels and an even finer wine with the evening meal. Camping and some rugged terrain aren't out of the question for Taureans, but you can be sure that the "bed" in their tent will be a down-filled dream. Group travel might work for the Bull, but only if they can set the agenda! Wherever these well-mannered folks go, it's a sure bet that they'll be excellent ambassadors for their homeland.
Taurus Activities
A disciple of the pleasure
principle, the Bull will surely ...
... do only what feels good once on the road. Sleeping in is a great way to start the day, since they're probably staying at the Ritz! Once out and about, it's a languorous day of sightseeing punctuated by a late-afternoon repast. Sights of cultural or historic significance are important to the Bull, and if they're filled with riches, even better: the Crown Jewels would never be missed on a trip to London, for example. A traveling Impressionist exhibit won't be missed, either, nor would the Great Wall be overlooked in China or the Acropolis in Greece. A safari in Kenya would harken back to colonial days for sure. True to an Earth sign, Taureans enjoy being grounded while on the road, so hiking, biking or other physical pursuits which keep them close to the ground are also attractive. Furthermore, it's unlikely that the Bull will do more than they can in the pursuit of adventure -- these folks are as sensible while traveling as they are at home.
Taurus Dining
Creature comforts are at
the top of the Bull's list ...
... and that certainly includes food. A five-star, five-course meal is heaven on earth to these folks, and they're likely to know exactly where to get it before they get there thanks to some careful research. Whether it's French or Italian, Brazilian or Burmese, fine flavors are what the Bull seeks. Price is no object, really, although Taureans will generally not put themselves in debt for the perfect prandial prize. When traveling along the shores of Mexico, the day's catch will be the Bull's goal, while beef is where it's at when combing the range in Wyoming. Is image everything for the Taurean on the road? Well, you can bet they'll never be kicked out of a restaurant for wearing the wrong clothes!
Taurus Lodging
Taurus loves comfort, class
and luxury. So ...
... you know that five-star hotel populated by captains and kings? Yep, that's where the Bull will be spending the night, and you can bet that breakfast will be delivered the next morning. That said, Taureans are aware of their limits financially and won't spend more than they should. A roadside motel might be just the ticket on a cross-country trek, as long as it's clean and well-amenitized. Just in case, though, sensible Bulls will have plenty of handi-wipes in their bag!
If it's luxury you crave, the Bull may well be the perfect traveling companion!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Taurus Romance
The Bull, as befits an Earth sign, is a grounded and devoted sort, but that should never be construed as boring. Remember that Bulls can charge! Taurus generally wants a harmonious and beautiful relationship, given as they are to a fondness for pretty things. Whether it's a sweet serenade or silky sheets, Taurus loves anything luxurious and anyone who can bring that aspect into their lives. Does this make the Bull all style and no substance? Not at all: Taureans are sentimental, romantic and possessed of a dogged determination which virtually assures that they will get what they want. Keeping the Bull feeling good is the best guarantee of a considerate lover, one who will work hard on a relationship filled with sensual pleasures.
Taurus and Romance
Sweetness and light may be the best recipe for romance with the Bull. This is a sign oh-so-responsive to a wink, a smile and a tender touch; if all this comes along with roses and champagne, so much the better. Material pleasures are important to Taureans and they will create a den of delight sure to dazzle their lover. Seeing how important security and possessions are to Taurus, someone who provides these things will quickly make it to the top of their list. The reward? Undying loyalty and a kinship which is sure to please.
Taurus in Relationships The Bull is nothing if not committed and will make a wonderful partner for the right person. A slow and steady courtship is most pleasing to this sign, and Taurus will stay in the game until they get what they want. That kind of perseverance is sexy indeed, and many will be won over by this quality alone. An unfaithful partner is the kiss of death where the Bull is concerned, so cheaters need not apply. Taurus enjoys the one-on-one of a close relationship and the affection and intimacy this provides. The Bull is also strong enough to be the power in a relationship, so a lover is well-served to practice the art of conciliation whenever necessary. If words don't work, try giving gifts, because Taurus loves finery and those who can provide them the baubles they love. The ideal Taurus soul mate has a platinum card and isn't afraid to use it.
Taurus in Love
True and steady Taurus can appear a bit perfunctory on the outside, practical in that Earth Sign sort of way. This, however, is only half the story. Deep inside is a smoldering lover waiting for the right cues. The Bull wants and needs to be safe and pampered, but will flourish if a lover can convince them to take a risk. When they do, watch out! The Bull can also be very focused in affairs of the heart, the risk being that possessiveness may step in. Consequently, monogamy with a certain degree of autonomy is the best balance for the Bull. Those born under this sign believe that love and sex go hand-in-hand, in that order, and that's that.
Taurus and Sex Taurus is one alluring package, thanks in part to their love of beautiful things. Those lucky enough to snare this lover will find that the best, amazingly, has been hidden from view! In private, the Bull is an intense partner, and one quite happy to have sensual encounters go on all night long. The Energizer Bunny of the Zodiac has arrived! These days and nights of play should be punctuated with conversation, fantasies, seduction, even a few edible treats, the better to create the perfect mood. Sex as a release from the more practical aspects of life is often all the Bull wants. If this play date can be scheduled for Taurus's beloved home, all the better, since comfort is always on the Bull's mind. What Taurus Needs The Bull craves someone who is strong and practical, qualities they value in their own life. One who comes bearing gifts also wins, since Taurus is responsive to both material goods and sincere, heartfelt compliments. Making Taurus feel safe is a very smart strategy for their lover, for this approach will bring out the Bull's most sensual self. Think of the Bull as a rose waiting to be picked -- the lucky one will inhale the most intoxicating perfume. Beautiful people, as well as things, work as irresistible aphrodisiacs for those born under this sign. The Taurus lover is dependable and considerate, someone who wants to be in a beautiful world and have that special someone to share it with. Anyone lucky enough to enter that world will find a sensual soul waiting to be nurtured and explored.
Friday, April 13, 2007
What's Your Destiny?
Whether you know it or not, this is the role that is most in tune with who you are at your core. As a Teacher, you are unusually adept at assessing and maximizing the talent of those around you. As a natural leader who inspires others, people are constantly encouraged by being near you, and your enthusiasm is contagious. With your supportive nature, you typically motivate people to meet their goals and believe anything is possible. These idealistic beliefs are marvelous, but can lead to disappointment and even bad judgment if you aren't careful. You expect the best from people, but they can not always deliver. Remember, in general, that your outgoing, charismatic, reliable ways will take you far in life.
My NIVEA obsession
Found this new product from our body-loving NIVEA...
The firming beauty treatment with Ginkgo extract
Firm your skin and stimulate your blood circulation with the adjustable massage head and Ginkgo extract. Just press the silky gel with invigorating grapefruit- scent out of the bottle and softly massage your skin with circular movements. The shower head knobs are adjustable, allowing different massage intensities.
pH skin-balanced
skin tolerance dermatologically approved
Don't know when it'll be coming here? Sounds heavenly...
massage and slimming while you shower...
what more can u ask for?
Cos their fantastic Goodbye Cellulite Gel Cream and Goodbye Cellulite Patches work very well!!!
I've just started using it on Saturday, after purchasing it on Friday... I only apply the gel once a day in the morning before I go to work... And the patch also in the morning...
Sat: 1st application of the gel...
Sun: 2nd application of the gel with 1st patch on tummy area...
Mon: 3rd application of the gel... skin area the areas applied already feels smoother and slightly more toned...
Tue: 4th application of the gel...
Wed: 5th application of the gel...
Thu: 6th application of the gel with my 2nd patch, but on my left butt area... (i dunno how to stick it to spread the gel... cos it's such a big patch, it'll be not easy to prevent it from being seen if i stick it higher, which will be just beneath the lower back...)
Fri: 7th application of the gel...
And I got a surprised when I was applying the gel this morning...
My left butt feels smaller!!!!
Visually there's not much difference...
But then when you actually touch it...
There's a difference... which i made my mum testify to it... in case i was daydreaming... or hallucinating...
And when you wear your jeans, the butt does look more toned on the side that i've applied the patch...
AMAZING... is what i call it...
I'll try to stick to this daily routine and work hard at combating all women's nemesis...
Same Old
Find your secret Valentine...
What's your Mother-Child Compatibility?
Taurus (Me) and Capricorn (My Mum)
When a Taurus child is born to a Capricorn parent, it's a practical, sensible family relationship. Both relatives share the traits of being logical and down to earth, strongly disciplined, and holding very high standards. Taurus appreciates Capricorn's dedication and has learned to set goals and achieve them from their example. Capricorn admires the strength of Taurus and feels proud of their accomplishments. This family relationship has a strong foundation based on material security and a realistic approach to life in general. They are both dependable and conservative but not so rigid that they can't show their love for one another. Taurus can help Capricorn to relax a little and appreciate the fruits of their labor. Capricorn can provide the tangible resources and the motivation to help Taurus achieve goals and make their dreams a reality. The best aspect of the Taurus-Capricorn family relationship is the similarity of their values and their dedication to producing brilliance. Both relatives enjoy luxury and nice things and are willing to work hard to achieve their goals -- especially if it involves pooling their resources. Their mutual interests makes theirs a highly compatible family relationship.
Which Elements Influence Your Beauty Style?
What is your Moon Sign?
You do not appear to be an intensely emotional or sentimental person, and you are often unaware of your own or other people's deeper feelings and emotional needs. Tears and tantrums bewilder you and make you very uncomfortable. You would rather settle differences by talking things out reasonably and rationally, but you tend to ignore or poke fun at any attempt to probe your own or others' inner depths.
You avoid heavy, demanding emotional involvements and are wary of making personal commitments.
You need plenty of mental stimulation and you feel close to people with whom you can share thoughts and mental interests. Conversation is very important to you. The strong, silent type of partner is not for you.
I think this one is like WAY OFF....
Nothing like that lor...
What's your Rising Sign?
Your Rising Sign
Scorpio Rising:If your Rising Sign is Scorpio, don't be hurt if people keep their distance. It's not out of disgust, but out of reverent intimidation. You seem so intense -- it could be your penetrating gaze or the way you seductively lean against the wall -- whether you mean to or not! You're dynamically alluring, and people are inexplicably drawn to you. All this perceived sexiness is fun, but there's a downside to looking like a Scorpio -- you may seem moody and even a little dangerous. Enjoy the mystery factor -- it can be fun to be an enigma!
What's your Preferences?
April 20-May 20
Books Career Chocolates Food Movies
Music Restaurants Sports Travel Television
The patient Bull won’t have a problem plodding through educational books or drawn-out suspense thrillers. While some people need to read the last page first, you can wait to reach the climactic end of an Agatha Christie book, and you'll appreciate every moment of Russian masters like Tolstoy and Doestoevsky.
Advertising director, Antique dealer, Assessor, Auctioneer, Bank teller, Banker, Biologist, Business person, Cashier, Clothing designer, Confectioner, Cosmetician, Dancer, Decorator, Evaluator, Financial advisor, Florist, Fundraiser, Furniture maker, Gardener, Investment banker, Make-up artist, Musician, Patron of the arts, Perfumer, Real estate agent, Singer, Venture capitalist, Woodworker
Tends to buy two boxes and leave only the orange ones for you.
Taurus has a sweet tooth, so marshmallows, cinnamon and nutmeg are all winners. Earth Signs like practical food, too, so hearty dishes with flavors like parsley and mint are a good thing. The Bull will want to savor a meal full of fine flavors, so never take one out for fast food.
The steady Bull is patient, but needs to be rewarded by aesthetic value. Epic films that bring the viewer laughter, tears, and achingly beautiful scenery are tops on the list. Mel Gibson in Braveheart, Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth and Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra all fit the bill.
Steady and solid, the Bull isn't inclined to listen to anything harsh or grating, but would rather have background music that sets the mood. Country music, with big names like Garth Brooks, Vince Gill and LeAnne Rimes are happening. For romantic background music, violin sonatas by Schubert or Brahms are your best bet.
The Epicurean Bull will most likely be found savoring succulent three-course meals at posh five-star restaurants. Surely, dessert will be one of the three courses, as you have quite a sweet tooth.
The brawny Bull has endurance and stamina galore, which would best be put toward sports like rowing, weight lifting, tug-of-war, rugby, gardening or cricket.
Austria, Ecuador, Israel, Japan, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Thailand
Miniseries and melodramas are where it’s at for the Bull. You'd probably be perfectly content with flipping on PBS and finding a reworking of a classic English novel. A Civil War tale in thirteen parts? No problem. You'll watch with wonder through the whole thing.
What's Your Attraction Factor?
Your Attraction Factor
Taurus DescendantIf Taurus lies on your Descendant, you yearn for a romantic mate who can offer you a sense of material comfort and stability, someone dependable and reassuring. Since you have Scorpio Rising -- a Sign known for its obsessive and secretive tendencies -- you seek out someone whose calm and comforting nature will soothe your fears and build up your confidence. You aspire to create harmonious, affectionate relationships, possibly to deflect the mysterious and sort of dark energy you seem to attract because of your mysterious Rising Sign. When it comes to falling in love, you really only give yourself over once you know that a potential partner possesses a reliable source of income and a balanced temperament. You may even feel the urge to delve into your mate's past to make certain what they're telling you is true: And this includes peeking at their bank statement and investigating the histories of past relationships!
Want to know more about Taurus? Click here.
What is your Warrior Sign?
When Pallas meets Aries, you're something like a tsunami -- you blow up quickly, cause a lot of dramatic effects and die down just as quickly. Your strength is in your courage -- you'll take on any challenge, sure that you can handle anything. Others look to you to lead them and see your self-sufficient independence as pure confidence. And it is! With Pallas in Aries, you're entirely sure of yourself. Tap into that confidence and you'll be an inspiration to others; a pioneer who lights the way for those who follow. Your downfall, however, could also be your confidence -- those who are so sure of themselves won't bother watching for pitfalls and hidden enemies. Revel in your security but don't forget to keep an eye out for events or people who could be waiting to trip you up. You should also guard against a tendency to be too self-centered, and should remember that you're better at inspiring others to win battles than seeing a fight through to the end.
What is your Soulmate Sign?
A long-term relationship with a Juno in Leo is as exciting as an affair. You'll never retreat into boring contentment; instead you crave variety and drama. You liven things up with romantic dates, flowers, chocolates and plenty of romance. Your partner will never feel taken for granted as long as they pay Juno-Leo plenty of attention and pile on the flattery. This love of drama, however, may get you problems you never bargained for -- you may prefer arguments over peace, thinking peace boring and wishing for excitement. Better choose a partner with the same dramatic flair or you'll wear out less tempestuous types. You need your relationship to keep growing -- make sure that you share values and interests with your partner and you can grow together. You are loving and committed to your partner and will keep your relationships fresh and hot with spontaneity and plenty of sensual affection.
What is your Mothering Sign?
Ceres in Taurus cries out to be touched -- literally! You have a sensual, soft side and a love of physical expression and affection. You whimper like a baby when given a massage or a back-rub and a facial or pedicure are your ultimate treats. Tender hugs and caresses are your specialties, and those around you will fulfill you with their touch. You also crave material possessions and luxuries, and prefer to be surrounded by life's finer things. You nurture others the way someone intimate would -- your hands-on love often manifests itself in foot rubs for tired feet or a soothing hand on a friend's forehead. Surprising others with thoughtful, tasteful presents is also your forte, and you're a superb buyer of gifts. Do as your nature tells you, Ceres-Taurus, and you will be happy.
What is your Healing Sign?
What is your Healing Sign? |
Chiron in Taurus
If Chiron falls in Taurus in your chart, you bear a pain of neglect or that what you have is never enough. This Chironic placement makes a person who -- because of a wound of neglect (perhaps your parents were stingy with affection or even completely closed off from you) or actual physical hunger -- bears a mental or physical pain that weakens the spirit and body. At the heart of Taurus is a yearning for security and the pleasure of sensory stimulation: food, physical affection, bodily nourishment. Taurus loves to indulge, but with Chiron in Taurus, you're never quite full; as your stomach can feel empty, so too can your heart. Rather than wallowing in the haze of your hunger for what you lack, Chiron in Taurus encourages you to appreciate what you have. By cherishing gifts you already possess, you can share what you've learned from your pain with others. Give your time to causes dealing with a lack of resources: homelessness, hunger, neglected children, or for those wanting for affection or sensory or material comfort.
To read more about Chiron, click here.To learn even more about the affect of Chiron and the other asteroids on your life, click here!
What is your Spiritual Sign?
You are part of a 14 year group of people that are extremely idealistic and farsighted in their dreams. Your age group is very liberal and expansive in outlook, and consequently churches become much more flexible and more eclectic in their approach during your life time. Religions that do not adapt to the broad-minded attitude of your age group simply are unable to attract very much interest and involvement from you.
A great deal of metaphysical musing and speculation is evident in your age group, and there is a very strong interest in all manner of psychic phenomena, UFO's, prophecy, etc. This interest will open many new doors and insights, but will also often lead to a great deal of fantasizing and speculation that is taken more seriously than it should be.
What is your Karmic Sign?
What is your Sign of Karma? |
Your obsession with perfectionism and order can leave you feeling frustrated and in a rut. You have an almost compulsive attention to detail which may have been learnt from a parent or authority figure. Often times you discourage yourself and others from trying new things simply because they won't be done the way you think they should be. Your karmic path is to always feel trapped within the lines and yet afraid to color outside of them. Fear is the basic motivation behind this desire for order -- it is the only way you know of controlling your environment. If you are capable of overcoming this fear -- letting go of control -- you have a chance of developing an imaginative side where your practicality could become a valuable asset.
What is your Communication Sign?
Your mind operates in a very deliberate and methodical manner and you dislike being rushed or forced to give an opinion before you have thoroughly ruminated and digested an idea. You are also difficult to influence once your mind is made up.
Though slower to grasp new concepts or learn new skills, you are patient and persevering and, in fact, often become quite adept at whatever you put your mind and hand to, for you are willing to devote much time and attention to it. You succeed not so much because of your mental brilliance, but because you have the ability to concentrate and follow a project through to its completion. You have an aptitude for singing or drawing.
What is your Power Sign?
Your Power Sign |
The focus of Libra is on relationships. Many babies are born when Pluto is in Libra as a result of their parents making efforts to improve and revitalize their relationships. These children grow up watching their parent's relationships either thrive or fail completely. This generation, however, is determined to make all of their partnerships work out. They watch what has worked for previous generations and incorporate it into their own lives, and they see what has failed in the past and try to make working changes. Some of those born while Pluto was in Libra might cast aside the idea of formal marriage in favor of more unconventional approaches to unity. Others, however, may decide that the free-form approach does not work and choose to rely on the more conservative elements that worked for marriage in earlier generations.
What's Your Rebellion Sign?
Your Rebellion Sign |
When Uranus enters the already secretive Scorpio, it is a time of transformation. Those born with this placement will be consistently reinventing themselves, trying on new personas and personalities like so many wigs. You may compulsively search for change within yourself and the world around you. Issues surrounding sexuality might play an important part within your generation. There could be a backlash against the knowledge that, in this day and age, sex can kill. This could play out in extreme methods of sex and the dismantling of old taboos. During your time, you may find that topics such as sex and death stop being spoken of in whispers. This energy will also be harnessed into positive change. You may one day feel comfortable being exactly whom you choose to be.
What's Your Passion Sign?
Virgo You are down to earth, and when you crave drama, you buy tickets to a play, not to a relationship! Logical, and disciplined, you probably have a knack of weeding out all the fluff and annoyance of needless pomp and circumstance. If your Mars is in Virgo, you most definitely will not be an emotional game player! You have an enthusiasm that cannot be matched when you've found a worthy cause. Your efforts are tireless, and you possess great mental skills that enable you to focus and therefore excel at whatever you do. You may be restless and need constant activity or thought to satiate your mind. Lovers may not compare to the ideal, but you are more than willing to expend some of your energy understanding the details of a real relationship! You offer support to your lovers and are happiest when others' intentions are made clear.
Who else has Mars in Virgo? |
What is your lucky sign?
What is your Lucky Sign? |
You can find luck through work and simplicity. You belong somewhere that values your detail-oriented nature and supports your appreciation for the 'basics' of life -- honesty, hard work and practicality. Through your solid values, you can create exciting progress. Taking on more than you can handle can sabotage your luck, however. Your need to stay within perfectionist boundaries can also be limiting.
What is your love sign?

Cancer Having Venus in Cancer makes one highly receptive to love, a seeker of amorous situations both real and unreal. Why is that? Those with this placement are emotional beings full of life and love, and if a match isn't at the ready, they'll just create one in their own fertile minds. The creativity and imagination of these individuals will serve them very well once a relationship is in place, so their lovers are in for a treat! Is a union filled with fantasy, make-believe and the joy and wonderment of a child what you crave? Well then, seek out that kindred spirit with Cancer in their House of Love. Play dates, and dates in general, will never be the same! When the Crab rules the game of love, it's a sweet bite, indeed. Nurturing and sympathetic, these kindly souls are likely to have a retinue of friends who are giving and true, just like them. At times, there may be mood swings which are just a response to a touchy and somewhat unsettled situation. Most of all, what lovers guided by Cancer need is emotional security from their mate. If this can be achieved, every day will be a parade for this blessed duo! |
What is your Sexuality Sign?
Vesta in Gemini is the most intellectual of all the signs, so it's no surprise that with Vesta's influence the Vesta-Gemini link-up makes you a powerful intellect and the sharpest crayon in the box. Knowledge is power to you, and you want all the information you can get on just about any subject. You're a dynamo at work and in your personal life, and others look to your sharp, incisive intellect for answers and reassurance. You are the sort of person who always has the missing piece to the puzzle or the important bit of information which makes a difference. Study and research are your tools as you continue to sharpen your keen intelligence, and with a bit of work you'll find you're unbeatable. You can get what you want through networking, making every effort to gain knowledge and by sharing your valuable information with others, who'll give you brownie points and goodies for your insight and knowledge. If you don't network and share, you may find that you lose confidence in your intellect and doubt your own power. Sharing sexually is also important, though you'll find that you can't connect physically with anyone you don't connect with mentally.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Random chat with Matsumoto-san on our GRACIOUS society...
sg guys all got no standard one....
Matsumoto San says:
yesterday i was at e uni...
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
e person who register 4 me is an ah beng lejh....
Matsumoto San says:
ah beng in uni leh.....
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
i can just puke man....
Matsumoto San says:
n so short lar....
Matsumoto San says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
i wear heels ...
Matsumoto San says:
guess what...
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
almost as tall or even shorter....
Matsumoto San says:
i brought me in 2 e meeting rm what....
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
so what do u think......
Matsumoto San says:
other u worse lar...
Matsumoto San says:
all toot toot one.....
Matsumoto San says:
can die lor....
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
Matsumoto San says:
some old uncle right....
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
tt means also uncle lar.....
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
correct what...
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
but it is still uncle.....
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
U ALL...
Matsumoto San says:
4 me 30 already uncle....
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
yeah lor.....
Matsumoto San says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
but u so childish....
Matsumoto San says:
maybe only snatching freebies ...
Matsumoto San says:
then u become aunty...
Matsumoto San says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
aunty behaviour......
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Matsumoto San says:
Matsumoto San says:
but if it's some lousy freebie who would want it..
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
ジェジュン、私の音楽の天使は私のために歌いなさい。。。 。◕‿◕。 says:
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Pizza without the pounds!!!!
i love portobello mushrooms...
they are soooo versatile...can be used as vegan steaks...
now as pizza crust...
4 whole portobello mushroom caps (about 5" each), stemmed removed
1/2 cup low fat marinara sauce
1/2 cup lean turkey Italian sausage, cooked, drained and crumbled
4 tablespoons shredded fat free or low fat mozzarella cheese
2 teaspoons freshly grated Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon chopped fresh basil
To Prepare:
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Wipe the mushrooms clean of any dirt. Place them on a baking sheet, grill side up. Spoon sauce over each cap, then sprinkle on sausage and cheeses. Place in the oven and bake for 6 to 8 minutes, or until cheese is melted. Garnish with fresh basil. Serve immediately.
Yield: 4 small pizzas.
Nutritional Values: Fat: 5 g. Carbohydrates: 6 g. Protein: 8 g. Calories: 94 kcal.
Finally, something that's easy to make, tastes good, and isn't so sinful...
Must try this sometime when I'm free...
same old foodie
fact or fiction....
i gotta admit...
fictional writing is addictive...
it's kinda like watching a drama unfold...
but the difference is that you get to decide how the story goes...
and the fate of the characters...
for someone like me who finishes a drama serial in 2 to 3 days' time...
the max time i've taken is a week...
it's very frustrating...
for me, i put myself into the story when i watch a drama...
if i can relate to the character in the drama, it holds me attention better...
if not, it'll just flow in and out of my mind...
and not register itself in my memory bank...
the minus point is that u can feel what the characters are feeling...
so it's a very emotional and mentally draining process i realize...
cos i can't write as fast as i watch...
so there's a time lag...
and if there's a writer's block...
it's difficult to force yourself to write creatively and yet produce good work frequently at the same time...
music is the source of my inspiration now...
same old
A part of you has grown in me. And so you see, it's you and me together forever and never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Personality Test
1. When you meet someone for the first time, it takes you a pretty long time to open your heart to them.
For true, go to 2
For false, go to 7
2. You believe in the legend that people who are fated to be together are tied together by a red thread on their pinkies.
For true, go to 9
For false, go to 3
3. You're not bragging, but you rarely lose your stuff.
For true, go to 4
For false, go to 8
4. What type of food do you prefer?
A: Cheap but delicious fast food (go to 10)
B: French, Italian, or other high class food (go to 5)
5. If your heart was broken, you think you'd be the type who wouldn't recover for a while and stay depressed.
For true, go to 6
For false, go to 11
6. Even if it didn't fit with your tastes, if there was a type of clothing that was really popular, you'd buy it and try wearing it.
For true, go to 12
For false, go to 11
7. Rather than you treating others, there are more instances of you being treated by your friends.
For true, go to 13
For false, go to 8
8. You can't really wake up in the mornings.
For true, go to 14
For false, go to 15
9. Even if there was something bothering you, if you sleep one night you totally forget about it the next day.
For true, go to 16
For false, go to 15
10. Because your room is always kept clean, you never have things lying scattered around.
For true, go to 17
For false, go to 11
11. You often receive advice from your friends.
For true, go to 12
For false, go to 17
12. If when you look at yourself in the mirror before leaving the house and your hair isn't set properly, you feel blue all through the day.
For true, go to 17
For false, go to 18
13. When you go out to eat, which is more common?
A: Going with your friends (go to 14)
B: Going alone to your favorite restaurant (go to 20)
14. You're often told by your parents and school teachers to be more quiet.
For true, go to 19
For false, go to 15
15. If you were to go to a movie, which would you see?
A: A love story (go to 20)
B: A suspense story (go to 21)
16. You've had a big fight with a friend before, to the point that it became awkward.
For true, go to 15
For false, go to 22
17. When you see a train door closing, you get flustered.
For true, go to 23
For false, go to 22
18. At school and other places, when you participate in group behavior...
A: You're good at it (go to 17)
B: You're not so good... (go to 24)
19. You have more than 5 friends of the opposite sex who you can talk to about anything.
For true, go to 25
For false, go to 27
20. If you were told to keep a secret by your friend, you would...
A: Never tell anyone (go to 26)
B: You might tell someone depending on the situation (go to 19)
21. You think that sometimes it may be necessary to lie in order to not hurt someone.
For true, go to 22
For false, go to 20
22. If it suddenly starts raining, just from that you become sort of blue.
For true, go to 27
For false, go to 30
23. You're often fooled by your friends and associates.
For true, go to 28
For false, go to 24
24. If you're walking down the street and you see something you want, you...
A: Buy it right away! (go to 29)
B: Decide after thinking about it (go to 30)
25. You love "trendy dramas"!
For true, go to 33
For false, go to 31
26. You at least look at more than just the TV pages in the newspaper.
For true, go to 32
For false, go to 25
27. In the future if you were to get married, you'd rather wait until you were an appropriate age than do it while you're young.
For true, go to 35
For false, go to 33
28. If you went on a trip, which would you prefer?
A: Have a relaxing trip to a hot springs inside the country (go to 27)
B: Go abroad and play (go to 29)
29. Rather than bright colors like pink, yellow, and orange, you prefer calm colors like navy, beige, and black.
For true, go to 36
For false, go to 33
30. At night, even if a friend calls you, if you're tired or it's bothersome you won't answer.
For true, go to 34
For false, go to 29
31. With your allowance or gift money, you...
A: Spend it all at once (go to A)
B: Put it into savings (go to B)
32. You love K1, pro wrestling, and boxing, and just watching them makes you happy.
For true, go to C
For false, go to 31
33. You're not satisfied unless you're the first to check out a popular artist's latest song.
For true, go to A
For false, go to 32
34. You're good at handling and playing with babies and small children.
For true, go to D
For false, go to 35
35. When you're playing a video game and you can't get past a part, you...
A: Give up in the middle (go to F)
B: Try until you finish! (go to C)
36. You think it's nearly impossible to win a lot of money at a lottery.
For true, go to 35
For false, go to E
A Bright and frivolous type
You're always bright and fun. You posess the power to make the people around you happy. But if you get too excited, you might be called a "frivolous person"!?
Members: Akanishi Jin, Jimmy Mackey, Kamenashi Kazuya, Yonehana Tsuyoshi, Kawai Fumito, Katou Shigeaki, Fujigaya Taisuke, Akama Naoya, Nakaegawa Rikiya, Kusano Hironori, Nikaido Takashi
B Diligent and nervous type
You keep your promises, and have an ability to make plans, you're a very diligent person. But you also have a side where you get nervous about minute things. It might be good for you to become more big-hearted.
Members: Yamashita Tomohisa (Yamapi), Hasegawa Jun, Taguchi Junnosuke, Akiyama Jun, Murakami Shingo, Koyama Keiichirou, Yokoo Wataru, Machida Shingo, Iida Kyohei, Tsukada Ryoichi
C Tough and stubborn type
You hate to bend, and want to do everything precisely, you're tough and wild. Having strong intentions is proper, but you have a tendency to become too stubborn.
Members: Takizawa Hideaki, Toushin Yoshikazu, Tanaka Koki, Yokoyama Yuu, Masuda Takahisa, Goseki Kouichi, Uchi Hiroki, Nishikido Ryo, Uesato Ryota, Moriuchi Takahiro
D My pace and big-hearted type
You don't worry about the small things, and are lively and dependable. Your friends always count on you. As long as you try to keep harmony with your surroundings, you have nothing to fear!
Members: Hamanaka Bun'ichi (there were only 6 people who got this one, and most are unknown to me^^
E Dreaming romanticist type
You're always describing big dreams. Although you're a very sensitive and naive person, if you only talk about your dreams, you may be taken by "escapism"...
Members: Nakamaru Yuuichi, Yasuda Shouta, Ueda Tatsuya
F Cool and detached type
Whatever happens you stay composed, you're an elite type who can advance things calmly. But if you're too composed, you'll be thought of as "always detached," so don't forget to smile!
Members: Imai Tsubasa, Ikuta Touma, Kazama Shunsuke, Maruyama Ryuhei, Shibutani Subaru, Totsuka Shouta, Ohkura Tadayoshi
I got type B...
And I think it's quite true...
I have 2 sides...
Split personality...
Like Gemini...
But then I am a Taurean...
Same Old