Our Motto:
Moribus Modestus (Demure & Resolute)
Our Values:
Determination, Integrity, Humility, Graciousness
Our Vision:
An accomplished young woman of character & grace.
Our Mission:
"Every TKGian is a Leader"
We aim to nuture every TKGian to be a leader who Acts with Determination, Serves with Humility, Leads with Integrity,Grows in Graciousness and builds on the past to meet the challenges of the future.
TKGS School Song:
We cannot all be heroes and thrill a hemisphere,
With some great daring venture, some deed that mocks at fear.
But we can fill a lifetime with kindly acts and true,
There's always noble service for noble souls to do.
We're not all blessed with beauty nor everyone with brain,
But each from every other has something good to gain.
So let us make an effort to keep it as a rule,
That each one needs the other within the Katong school.
Then let us fill the hours with minutes truly spent,
In helping one another towards a true content.
So let us serve in honour and work for selfless fame,
For credit of our country and glory of her name.
School Crest:
Our School Crest consists of six symbols.
At the tip of the crest, a majestic LION stands on top of a TOWER .
Adorned with the colours of gold and maroon in four separate panels are the symbols of TURTLE , WHEEL , LAMP , and WINGED SHOE .
The majestic Lion is a symbol of Singapore. It signifies courage and nobility. | |
Beneath the Lion is a mighty Tower. The Tower symbolises our school, a citadel of learning. | |
The Turtle is a symbol of our "Katong" school. It also represents wisdom and accumulation of knowledge, while providing an anchor by virtue of its steadfastness. | |
The Wheel guides us in our endeavours, giving us purpose, direction and the determination to succeed. | |
The Lamp symbolises our continual quest for knowledge and learning. | |
In Greek mythology, the Winged Shoe is the shoe of Hermes, son of the Greek God, Zeus. It symbolises physical and mental agility, ingenuity and adaptability. |
专属天使の悪戯なKiss m(~_~)m
언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]
For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles
My music is my life
For you, for your smile..
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