林俊杰 - 第几个一百天
我 把愛鋪成藍天
讓不安的妳 一抬頭就看得見
我 把心燒成火焰
讓怕黑的妳 擁著溫暖入眠
我曉得 時間如雪 有時候會覆蓋一切
但是真愛 一如倔強會重生的綠葉
第幾個一百天 還是很有感覺
用眼睛去素描 妳內心的世界
第幾個一百天 也像剛熱戀
兩個人手一牽 連命運都改變
我 把心燒成火焰
讓怕黑的妳 擁著溫暖入眠
我曉得 時間如雪 有時候會覆蓋一切
但是真愛 一如倔強會重生的綠葉
第幾個一百天 還是很有感覺
用眼睛去素描 妳內心的世界
第幾個一百天 也像剛熱戀
兩個人手一牽 連命運都改變
在我的胸口 妳就躺下來別說了
我也會擁抱妳安撫著體諒妳心疼著Wooh ~Wooh~
第幾個一百天 越來越有感覺
用眼睛去素描 妳內心的世界
管過多少一百天 也像剛熱戀
兩個人手一牽 連命運都改變
當守護變信念 連淚水都很甜
Chinese Lyric credit: kkbox.com.tw
i'd dedicate this song to all Cassiopieans (Korea & International) & BigEast...
cos the song really tells how we would feel towards TVXQ...
at least for me...
be it 100 days...
200 days...
300 days
or even more...
we'd always be keeping our faith in them...
waiting for them to come back to us...
but before that happens...
we'd be staying exactly where we are...
in the sky...
as guardians for our 5 music angels...
giving them our undying support...
encouragement and cheers...
my angels...
no matter what is happening...
always stay healthy and smile a lot...
cos when u look up into the night sky and see the stars...
u'd know that ur fans will always be there for u...
专属天使の悪戯なKiss m(~_~)m
언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]
For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles
My music is my life
For you, for your smile...
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