First Stop Queen Victoria Market

Queen Victoria Market's Famous Doughnut Cart
(**Highly Recommended for the freshly made jelly doughnuts available only in mornings!)

Outside the solemn Parliament House...

Capt Cook's Cottage & Statue...

Santa's Mailbox...

Getting arty farty...

My "Crown-ing" glory...

Baa baa white sheep... Have you any wool???

Hungry herd of tongues attacking the milk!!!

Milking the cow...

Earnest kangeroos hop by for a snack...

Luring the goats with leaves...

Giddy up horsey!

Budding wine-makers...

Koala girls...

Sleeping wombat...

Lazing white retriever...

Seagulls ALERT!!!

San Remo Beach...

Clear waters of San Remo Beach...

Penguin Parade!!!

Trio in a sea of lavender....

Rows of lavender...

Ashcombe Maze's fountain of youth???

Roses of my iconic colour in the Rose Maze....

Walls have ears...

Moi - the strawberry picker...

Nando's @ 309 Melbourne Central
(** Highly recommend the extra hot Peri Peri Sauce if you like your grilled food hot &SPICY!!!)

Mirror of distortion @ Pancake Parlour @ Bourke Street Mall...
(** Highly recommended for the fresh organic ice cream and the bundles of fresh fruits used in the pancakes... I love the Banana pancake & the blueberries one was flooded with oversized berries!!!)
Hoi! Looks like you had a lot of fun in melbourne! Wow! Wait will we land in Bangkok. It'll be phenomenal...
Yes! You wouldn't be taking pictures like this, most probably only pictures with P**S in BIG C. That will be the most happening thing in the entire trip.
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