verdict of this episode is that the guys cannot sing fast songs...
they were made to sing HALF a slow ballad n HALF a fast song...
2 made e TERRIBLE MISTAKE of selecting songs with rap when they can't rap...
e other 3 made EXCELLENT choices for their fast songs... n excelled...
according to my bro, everyone had improved... even for e bad ones... they became bad from very bad in e past...
Hong Junyang sang 末日之恋 by 张智成。。。fast song forgot e name by 林俊杰。。。
my fave Derrick Hoh Weijian actually is a rather good dancer... he can groove to the rhythm of e fast song... hee hee... n he sang 记得 by 张惠美。。。
i think Chen Weilian did a commemorable job with 情非得以 by 庾澄庆。。。
even though I think He Weijian sang better than Hong Junyang, he got 38 while Hong Junyang got 39... n Chen Weilian got 36.5...
e rest (aka Chen Guoqiang & Xie Weicong) got ard 35 range...
ha ha ha... hope e fans will keep him in e competition...
peace out....
Same Old Fanatic (**o)
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
i found our what song Derrick & Leon were singing...
for the duet they sang 爱转动 by 张信哲&庾澄庆...
for solo Derrick sang 很想你 by 张智成...
yeah... i have e songs... n learning to sing them now... so that i can sing them in JB during my trip... practise my dear alwaysane... practise so we can duet together...!!! i sing derrick's part u sing leon's...
peace out
Same Old K-ster
for the duet they sang 爱转动 by 张信哲&庾澄庆...
for solo Derrick sang 很想你 by 张智成...
yeah... i have e songs... n learning to sing them now... so that i can sing them in JB during my trip... practise my dear alwaysane... practise so we can duet together...!!! i sing derrick's part u sing leon's...
peace out
Same Old K-ster
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
THE Aftermath of Project Superstar - Revival Round (Male) LIVE Recording
i think we've ALL gone kinda MAD with this entire thing ...
still hurting from e astronomical cab fare ... it's so very inconsiderate of our public transport providers to keep changing their rates without a very clear message to the consumer...
i admit i'm a bit of a blur... but then they could have INFORMED me FIRST BEFORE the booking was processed so that I can decide if i STILL want to book e cab a not mah... so unprofessional... how can they expect EVERYONE to remember their rates when they r changing by e month??? RIDICULOUS!!!!
ok... back to e topic of e aftermath...
some clarification & some advice to ms Alwaysane on "classic fan-see behavior"
u DEPEND/USE/RELY ON their multi-colored, as-large-as-humanly-possible to-carry banners to GAIN/CATCH e ATTENTION of their idols... cos everyone oso screaming, need something MORE to attract their attention... so... needless to say they must be pre-prepared with that in mind... thus e detail put into making them...
*PS: a more REFINED/EVOLVED method of doing this is by using light sticks... cos they r not commonly available... except during concerts lah where e ppl sell them like mad all over Indoor Stadium & on ur path of walking there from Kallang MRT...
meant to be either GIFTS for their idols...cos fan-see know their idols like them.... like Kunda from Energy like Snoopy... so he gets loads of Snoopy soft toys from fans...
or MASCOTS (like during football games) for the idols... like our much detested one's is e orange ginger cat Garfield... though e similarity is "uncanny"... i've seen better ones like Sylvester e Cat = Sylvester Sim...
cos u dun need to scream, ur vocal chords r spared e torturous ordeal of having to hold e long & high-pitched squeals for 30 secs as they do safety recordings or warm up e crowd before e idols come out...
i think its just e easy way out... cos there's no NAME being called... NOTHING BEING SAID in e high-pitched whistle blowing... so its just adding to e irritable noise level & not much content to e atmosphere/ ambience at all... at least to me...
like i said before... such events r e easiest to forge short-term/ long-term friendships... cos of e LONG HOURS spent WAITING & doing virtually NOTHING... cos wats there to do when u r eithe standing/ sitting??? NOTHING... so... u start listening to ur cds... u start taking out ur photos/mags/etc to check them out OVER & OVER AGAIN.... others near u see ur photos/mags/etc & get interested & ask u abt them... thus begins e "beautiful friendship" built on mutual interest & understanding.... honestly u'll find urself still toking to them even after u get ur stuff signed/etc... its a tried & tested formula...
we've even made some friends with foreigners through pen pal services so that we can exchange photos, etc when our idols r in their countries... i had an Irish penpal, cos Boyzone was from Ireland... & she even helped me get their autographs... I also had a British penpal... cos a lot of e singers/ bands were from UK... got loads of good photos from her too...
so... basically by e time e idols appear, u have already forged an alliance with ur surrounding strangers... so that's when u start asking them to scream for u fave together with u, & they ask u to scream to gether with them for their faves... THIS is e REASON why fans ALWAYS seem so organised... cos basically there's ALWAYS someone in charge leading e screaming at one time or another... it takes a group effort to scream REALLY loudly to catch attention & be heard... so that's y we forge alliances with fellow strangers... & we make fast friends...
peace out
Same Old Fanatic \(*O*)/
still hurting from e astronomical cab fare ... it's so very inconsiderate of our public transport providers to keep changing their rates without a very clear message to the consumer...
i admit i'm a bit of a blur... but then they could have INFORMED me FIRST BEFORE the booking was processed so that I can decide if i STILL want to book e cab a not mah... so unprofessional... how can they expect EVERYONE to remember their rates when they r changing by e month??? RIDICULOUS!!!!
ok... back to e topic of e aftermath...
some clarification & some advice to ms Alwaysane on "classic fan-see behavior"
u DEPEND/USE/RELY ON their multi-colored, as-large-as-humanly-possible to-carry banners to GAIN/CATCH e ATTENTION of their idols... cos everyone oso screaming, need something MORE to attract their attention... so... needless to say they must be pre-prepared with that in mind... thus e detail put into making them...
*PS: a more REFINED/EVOLVED method of doing this is by using light sticks... cos they r not commonly available... except during concerts lah where e ppl sell them like mad all over Indoor Stadium & on ur path of walking there from Kallang MRT...
meant to be either GIFTS for their idols...cos fan-see know their idols like them.... like Kunda from Energy like Snoopy... so he gets loads of Snoopy soft toys from fans...
or MASCOTS (like during football games) for the idols... like our much detested one's is e orange ginger cat Garfield... though e similarity is "uncanny"... i've seen better ones like Sylvester e Cat = Sylvester Sim...
cos u dun need to scream, ur vocal chords r spared e torturous ordeal of having to hold e long & high-pitched squeals for 30 secs as they do safety recordings or warm up e crowd before e idols come out...
i think its just e easy way out... cos there's no NAME being called... NOTHING BEING SAID in e high-pitched whistle blowing... so its just adding to e irritable noise level & not much content to e atmosphere/ ambience at all... at least to me...
like i said before... such events r e easiest to forge short-term/ long-term friendships... cos of e LONG HOURS spent WAITING & doing virtually NOTHING... cos wats there to do when u r eithe standing/ sitting??? NOTHING... so... u start listening to ur cds... u start taking out ur photos/mags/etc to check them out OVER & OVER AGAIN.... others near u see ur photos/mags/etc & get interested & ask u abt them... thus begins e "beautiful friendship" built on mutual interest & understanding.... honestly u'll find urself still toking to them even after u get ur stuff signed/etc... its a tried & tested formula...
we've even made some friends with foreigners through pen pal services so that we can exchange photos, etc when our idols r in their countries... i had an Irish penpal, cos Boyzone was from Ireland... & she even helped me get their autographs... I also had a British penpal... cos a lot of e singers/ bands were from UK... got loads of good photos from her too...
so... basically by e time e idols appear, u have already forged an alliance with ur surrounding strangers... so that's when u start asking them to scream for u fave together with u, & they ask u to scream to gether with them for their faves... THIS is e REASON why fans ALWAYS seem so organised... cos basically there's ALWAYS someone in charge leading e screaming at one time or another... it takes a group effort to scream REALLY loudly to catch attention & be heard... so that's y we forge alliances with fellow strangers... & we make fast friends...
peace out
Same Old Fanatic \(*O*)/
Monday, July 18, 2005
Project Superstar - Revival Round (Male) "LIVE" Recording
OK... HE IS FAB!!!
even though i'm still hurting from e burn in my pocket for e cab fare...
total: 12.20 +6.10 = 18.30...
but i think its a gr8 show... he put on e gr8 performance & i'm glad i was there to witness "live" his high-flying 39 points solo & his duet was great too with Leon... cant really catch/ remember e names of e songs... too noisy.... but i know one of e songs is by Fan Yi Cheng... whose voice is damn suited/ similar to Derrick's voice... so singing his songs i think mankes his voice sound even more melodious...
just in case some "accident" happens lah...
cho cho cho cho... touch wood...
with that cute, sweet & earnest smile, who in their right mind will not adore him???
he's even gained a new male supporter in today's show...
ha ha Alwaysane u noe who lah...
i am also giving my support to e other dear boy boy in e contest... cos he was partnered with e most detested contestant by Buttercups, Alwaysane & Same Old Brand New...
poor boy... he had to sing a song that was TOTALLY NOT SUITABLE FOR HIS VOICE NOR HIS KEY... in e end... e performance is of cos disastrous... key, pitch, rhythm, melody all out... & i dare say that it made his confidence level dip drastically... even though we were trying encourage him through encouraging shouts... it didn't make him any much more confident... therefore his performance later in e solo part was also bad... his singing isn't bad... i think he is just too depressed after a below average performance in e duet & immediately after is his solo... so of cos he'll be affected emotionally... i mean he's just a kid... he's only 18... give him a break man judges... no need to drag on & on & on abt e bad parts... if u wanna encourage new blood... try MORE ENCOURAGING WORDS instead of those u've used this evening... they hurt ok... & hurt can bring ppl to extremes... either extreme despair; leading to depression & giving up.... or extreme enthusiasm to prove oneself, to prove u wrong;leading to over-confidence & overly bent on winning... but even though i feel that he should be given another chance... i think amongst e 4, Derrick deserves it e most....
so here's one from moi for Sebastian...
a few sincere words of encouragement...
peace out
Same Old Fanatic (**o)
*FYI: I hate green... but very unfortunately emerald (which is green in color) is my birthstone... wat luck... fortunately.. my lucky colors are white, blue & pink... not green... otherwise can die... cos e representing color for e most detested contestant by Buttercups, Alwaysane & Same Old Brand New is .... green...
OK... HE IS FAB!!!
even though i'm still hurting from e burn in my pocket for e cab fare...
total: 12.20 +6.10 = 18.30...
but i think its a gr8 show... he put on e gr8 performance & i'm glad i was there to witness "live" his high-flying 39 points solo & his duet was great too with Leon... cant really catch/ remember e names of e songs... too noisy.... but i know one of e songs is by Fan Yi Cheng... whose voice is damn suited/ similar to Derrick's voice... so singing his songs i think mankes his voice sound even more melodious...
just in case some "accident" happens lah...
cho cho cho cho... touch wood...
with that cute, sweet & earnest smile, who in their right mind will not adore him???
he's even gained a new male supporter in today's show...
ha ha Alwaysane u noe who lah...
i am also giving my support to e other dear boy boy in e contest... cos he was partnered with e most detested contestant by Buttercups, Alwaysane & Same Old Brand New...
poor boy... he had to sing a song that was TOTALLY NOT SUITABLE FOR HIS VOICE NOR HIS KEY... in e end... e performance is of cos disastrous... key, pitch, rhythm, melody all out... & i dare say that it made his confidence level dip drastically... even though we were trying encourage him through encouraging shouts... it didn't make him any much more confident... therefore his performance later in e solo part was also bad... his singing isn't bad... i think he is just too depressed after a below average performance in e duet & immediately after is his solo... so of cos he'll be affected emotionally... i mean he's just a kid... he's only 18... give him a break man judges... no need to drag on & on & on abt e bad parts... if u wanna encourage new blood... try MORE ENCOURAGING WORDS instead of those u've used this evening... they hurt ok... & hurt can bring ppl to extremes... either extreme despair; leading to depression & giving up.... or extreme enthusiasm to prove oneself, to prove u wrong;leading to over-confidence & overly bent on winning... but even though i feel that he should be given another chance... i think amongst e 4, Derrick deserves it e most....
so here's one from moi for Sebastian...
a few sincere words of encouragement...
peace out
Same Old Fanatic (**o)
*FYI: I hate green... but very unfortunately emerald (which is green in color) is my birthstone... wat luck... fortunately.. my lucky colors are white, blue & pink... not green... otherwise can die... cos e representing color for e most detested contestant by Buttercups, Alwaysane & Same Old Brand New is .... green...
Friday, July 15, 2005
Project Superstar REVIVALS!!!!
I am sooooooo excited...
Dear Alwaysane has managed somehow, dunno by wat means, to get us tickets to the recording of the show next Monday!!!!!!!!! Since we;ll be watching the REVIVIAL ROUNDS, we'll see my dear boy Derrick in action!!!!!!!!! Hopefully he sings another song that I like... so far he's been pretty consistent in selecting beautiful songs... so i hope he doesn't disappoint moi... cos i'm rushing down from office in a cab to ULU (aka god-forsaken) Caldecott Hill to watch him perform...
Looking fwd to coming MOnday's show... cos we'll be watching the Revival Rounds!!!! most likely i think the recording will be for both male & female rounds... to save time & studio space... if i'm e producer... cain't wait... thanx for e lobang gal you rock!
this will b e ONLY time u catch me in ACTION... ha ha....
watch & learn....
peace out
Same Old Fanatic
Dear Alwaysane has managed somehow, dunno by wat means, to get us tickets to the recording of the show next Monday!!!!!!!!! Since we;ll be watching the REVIVIAL ROUNDS, we'll see my dear boy Derrick in action!!!!!!!!! Hopefully he sings another song that I like... so far he's been pretty consistent in selecting beautiful songs... so i hope he doesn't disappoint moi... cos i'm rushing down from office in a cab to ULU (aka god-forsaken) Caldecott Hill to watch him perform...
Looking fwd to coming MOnday's show... cos we'll be watching the Revival Rounds!!!! most likely i think the recording will be for both male & female rounds... to save time & studio space... if i'm e producer... cain't wait... thanx for e lobang gal you rock!
this will b e ONLY time u catch me in ACTION... ha ha....
watch & learn....
peace out
Same Old Fanatic
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Questionable Project Superstar Promo Trailer - Why Are You Voting For Them?
if you've seen this promo trailer, i think u'll understand y i'm writing this blog entry...
it starts in supers asking "why are you voting for them?" then it goes into some montage shots of e various contestants... for e more attractive ones, they placed the supers "their looks" with VO saying "because of their looks..." then for e stronger singers, they placed the supers "their voices" with VO saying "because of their voices..." then for Kelvin, Chen Weilian, they placed the supers "sympathy/pity" with VO saying "or becuase of sympathy/pity..."
i think this is totally unacceptable & its bordering on mean behavior on e side of e editors & producer who did this promo... yes e guy is visually handicapped... but if he can sing & ppl like his voice, y can't he b a singer??? this seems to be a ploy to remind ppl that he is visually handicapped, & a SUPERSTAR can't be visually handicapped... so we should just vote for e beuatiful, e gorgeous, e cute, e voices... even though he himself is a strong singer in his own right... i'm not an ardent supporter of any one of e contestants... but e least e channel can do is to let them have a fair contest by allowing each & everyone of them e same & equal platform, media coverage & publicity so that e public can REALLY COMPARE them & select their faves based on that, & not slanted media coverage like this...
i do hope they'll take out this promo trailer soon... cos its getting on my nerves EVERYTIME i see it...
peace out
Same Old Critic
it starts in supers asking "why are you voting for them?" then it goes into some montage shots of e various contestants... for e more attractive ones, they placed the supers "their looks" with VO saying "because of their looks..." then for e stronger singers, they placed the supers "their voices" with VO saying "because of their voices..." then for Kelvin, Chen Weilian, they placed the supers "sympathy/pity" with VO saying "or becuase of sympathy/pity..."
i think this is totally unacceptable & its bordering on mean behavior on e side of e editors & producer who did this promo... yes e guy is visually handicapped... but if he can sing & ppl like his voice, y can't he b a singer??? this seems to be a ploy to remind ppl that he is visually handicapped, & a SUPERSTAR can't be visually handicapped... so we should just vote for e beuatiful, e gorgeous, e cute, e voices... even though he himself is a strong singer in his own right... i'm not an ardent supporter of any one of e contestants... but e least e channel can do is to let them have a fair contest by allowing each & everyone of them e same & equal platform, media coverage & publicity so that e public can REALLY COMPARE them & select their faves based on that, & not slanted media coverage like this...
i do hope they'll take out this promo trailer soon... cos its getting on my nerves EVERYTIME i see it...
peace out
Same Old Critic
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
scandals, scandals, scandals.... lifestyles of the rich & e famous...
i suppose everyone's threading on thin ice, been writing so much over the weekends that i kinda need to relax my brain now n do some none thinking things like watching TV, playing games, chatting online...
life as a writer is no easy task...
well but then i'm NOT a writer...
i'm an associate producer...
so why oh why am i writing so much???
i wonder why...
isn't it scandalous sometimes when we do simple comparisons in real life...
read e XXX scandal today n felt like a premonition or self-fulfiling prophecy was unfolding in front of me... u see i've filmed there before... n e HQ looks comparatively like a 6 star hotel lobby... complete with glass boulders/ panels, etc... clean white arm chairs, etc for the visitors... snacks n drinks provided for everyone FOC... well even hotels dun have such gd service...
i understand y they wanna make e place look nice.. it's their HQ... they wanna let e patients feel more comfortable when they come for consultation or treatment... all these are good reasons... we can accept that...
but y oh y do e CEO's office need to look like an expensive psychiatrist's office? with an entire floor to himself??? SG is a small island... we dun have tt much land left for our ppl to stay in... so y r wewasting precious land for an office for ONE SINGLE PERSON??? moreover... more space means more money & time spent on upkeeping and maintenance... isn't that a waste?? frankly speaking, i think e offices of some CEOs ard here might be even larger than some of e flats tt our ppl stay in... probably a few homeless souls can use the space better...
i shall not talk abt e bonuses reported... or even salary, which i think is more than 100x more than e average office worker or grad can get... pls... we're already close to killing for that 1 extra month's bonus already (e mandatory 13th month, not 14th month ok) ... much less to say a full year's bonus...
n using company... no i'll change tt... not even tax payers' money... its other ppl's hard-earned money meant to be donated to charity to help e less fortunate, to pay for one's own extravagance is just not justifiable... no matter WHAT u wanna say... its a sure lose case for them... there've already been rumours of misuse of funds... n with so many fund raisers going on... e public still dun really see where's e money going... so it's inevitable tt ppl will suspect... credibility will b lost... fund raisers won't be able to raise as much as before, cos of loss of credibility...
peace out...
Same Old Same Old Lines...
life as a writer is no easy task...
well but then i'm NOT a writer...
i'm an associate producer...
so why oh why am i writing so much???
i wonder why...
isn't it scandalous sometimes when we do simple comparisons in real life...
read e XXX scandal today n felt like a premonition or self-fulfiling prophecy was unfolding in front of me... u see i've filmed there before... n e HQ looks comparatively like a 6 star hotel lobby... complete with glass boulders/ panels, etc... clean white arm chairs, etc for the visitors... snacks n drinks provided for everyone FOC... well even hotels dun have such gd service...
i understand y they wanna make e place look nice.. it's their HQ... they wanna let e patients feel more comfortable when they come for consultation or treatment... all these are good reasons... we can accept that...
but y oh y do e CEO's office need to look like an expensive psychiatrist's office? with an entire floor to himself??? SG is a small island... we dun have tt much land left for our ppl to stay in... so y r wewasting precious land for an office for ONE SINGLE PERSON??? moreover... more space means more money & time spent on upkeeping and maintenance... isn't that a waste?? frankly speaking, i think e offices of some CEOs ard here might be even larger than some of e flats tt our ppl stay in... probably a few homeless souls can use the space better...
i shall not talk abt e bonuses reported... or even salary, which i think is more than 100x more than e average office worker or grad can get... pls... we're already close to killing for that 1 extra month's bonus already (e mandatory 13th month, not 14th month ok) ... much less to say a full year's bonus...
n using company... no i'll change tt... not even tax payers' money... its other ppl's hard-earned money meant to be donated to charity to help e less fortunate, to pay for one's own extravagance is just not justifiable... no matter WHAT u wanna say... its a sure lose case for them... there've already been rumours of misuse of funds... n with so many fund raisers going on... e public still dun really see where's e money going... so it's inevitable tt ppl will suspect... credibility will b lost... fund raisers won't be able to raise as much as before, cos of loss of credibility...
peace out...
Same Old Same Old Lines...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
117th IOC Session in Singapore
hello hello again...
there R more IMPORTANT things that we XENONITES do too... like following e IOC opening announcement.... c'est important!!!
becks & raul r definitely worth e time... especially raul considering e mere inches seperating us... ha ha..
IAN THORPE!!!!!!!!!!!
sign never see him...
Alexander Popov... oso never see him... unless he's e ultra tall man in baby blue shirt walking with Raul... tt walked past me...
Hillary CLinton looks very beautiful in turqouise...
singapore got e thumbs up for hosting e 117th IOC session????!!!
kidding rite??? delays in seating the guests... bad opening session programme... bad choice of performancers (Boom Boom Room cross-dressers as leads in one act)... bad choice of wardrobe... making e choir look like they are mourning... sign...
if they say its good...
its "good"
there R more IMPORTANT things that we XENONITES do too... like following e IOC opening announcement.... c'est important!!!
becks & raul r definitely worth e time... especially raul considering e mere inches seperating us... ha ha..
IAN THORPE!!!!!!!!!!!
sign never see him...
Alexander Popov... oso never see him... unless he's e ultra tall man in baby blue shirt walking with Raul... tt walked past me...
Hillary CLinton looks very beautiful in turqouise...
singapore got e thumbs up for hosting e 117th IOC session????!!!
kidding rite??? delays in seating the guests... bad opening session programme... bad choice of performancers (Boom Boom Room cross-dressers as leads in one act)... bad choice of wardrobe... making e choir look like they are mourning... sign...
if they say its good...
its "good"
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
"My oh my... Don't your eyes look as BLUE as the SKIES?"

Whoever that once said that local skies are never as blue as those overseas, eat your hearts out! Caught this beautiful cloud and blue blue sky one day when I was rushing out for work(as usual since I dilly-dally too much at home)... Ain't it spectacular? And doesn't it NOT look a tad like our usual skies?
It's my dear friend Magda's bday today!!!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to Magdalene!
Happy birthday to you!
As u'd probably have ur bf to provide e tlc & smoochies & hugs in REAL life... I'll provide the online ones...
Happy birthday dear fren!
*smoochies & big bear hugs*
peace out,
same old same old skies
Monday, July 04, 2005
"There's always a rainbow after the storm..."

"There's always a rainbow after the storm..."
Another one of those gr8 pics you'll only get when you have a camera when you are walking around n if u bother to stop n aim n shoot it...
This gave me new hope n aim for another lousy feeling day... Working blues... _(x_x)_
But I believe it's Ste's bday today!!!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to S-T-E!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday my dear!
*many smooches & hugs*
peace out,
same old same old fan
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