He was too engrossed on the menu to notice us standing at the window & looking at him. We decided to go in & have breakfast & the waitress led us straight to a table in front of Phil. He was looking at us when we entered and sat down, smiling. I settled down at a seat sideways to him, he was facing our table. I looked across & he smiled at me! We ordered & whilst waiting we talked about him being so lonely at his table. I decided to give him the bottle of stars I had made. I gazed over to his table. He was propped on his palms gazing at our table. I smiled & he smiled, I waved the bottle up & he went pointing at himself & mouthed "For me?". I nodded my head & asked if he wanted me to go over to give it to him or for him to come over. He shifted his chair but I went over before he stood up. He wanted to stand up when I was at the table but I bent down so he sat down again. I was holding the bottle his hand & said that I had put a lot of effort & time on it, making everything from scratch & that he must bring it back home. He was surprised why I thought he wouldn't & said, "Don't worry, I will! Definitely! Thank you so much!" & went examining all the hearts & stars inside once. He looked up & asked if I would be going for the Hello concert later. I didn't hear him properly, but I moved closer to him to hear him better. He said it again & I said "Definitely!". He added that they'll be performing a new song, their new single there, & hope that I'll like it. I said I would. He went thanking me again & me heart's racing so much till I couldn't think of what to say. I looked at Jost & Sandy & said "I guess I should go back to my table to accompany them.". He said "Okay, take care Kit. Thanks gain & <3 the stars!". I hugged him for several minutes & he was patting my back & I really totally melted. I just can't take that... I'll melt away....... It seemed to last forever till I decided I should let go. I gave him a kiss on his face, which was t my horror, unshaven! Nevermind, I <3 him so much anway. He pecked me on my right cheek & said "See you at the concert. Hope you'll like it!". I went back. He had asked me for my name & I said "KIT.", he said "Huh?". I said "KIT, K... I... T...". He said "Oh, Kat.". I went "No, not Kat, Kit. K... I...T... See my bracelet!". He went round it and played with it for a while. Finally went "Kit, oh... Kit, thanks for the stars, they are lovely."
After I left him, the other fans in the restaurant rushed towards him & bombarded him for photos & autographs immediately. I was like "Sorry Phil, I guess I kinda got you into this. I'm so sorry...". Later he could finally leave after the fans left him & he walked to our table, smiled & I smiled & I said "Phil, could we have a photo together?". He went "Sure, why not?". So I went over to him & Sandy took the photo for us. He had said thanks again & that he loved it. He even raised it higher to his torso during the photo, he had held me so tightly & close to him. My heart accelerated again... I <3 him so... After the photo, I looked up & said "Thanks, Phil. I <3 U.". He said "I <3 U too, take care & see u at the concert.". He took one with Jost too, Jost went to tiptoe a little, so he bent down & I smiled. I was ready to take for Sandy, but she didn't move & Phil was about to leave, I said "Huh, don't you want a photo?". I think Phil heard that & he turned back & smiled at me & waved bye. He went to Kim's table, they called him over & left later.
Boyzone arrived at around 2pm after an interview with MTV (I guess since all of them carried MTV paper bags). Code Red left at around 3pm & came back around 4pm to 5pm. Ronan left the hotel at around 6pm for golf on a cab with Barry (their Black bodyguard).
We left around 6.30pm for National Stadium. Arrived in time but lost touch with Jost & Sandy. I shared a cab with Lyndy & Pohlin. Went to get our goodie bags & left for the canteen. Damn it! They placed a cloth over the windows so we can't watch from there! Lyndy & Pohlin decided that they wanted to go home suddenly as we couldn't find Jost. Her mobile was down, couldn't contact her. I'm very disappointed, sad, angry, frustrated...
When Jost's mobile finally worked, and I managed to know that Code Red came down only to the lounge & Boyzone & 911 Lee to the restaurant. They didn't go out at all. Thank god! Hope I can have better luck tomorrow at the airport.
专属天使の悪戯なKiss m(~_~)m
언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]
For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles
My music is my life
For you, for your smile..
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