You like cooking though you may not go in for big, elaborate meals except on special occasions. You take pride in having a functional kitchen in which your family can feel comfortable in as well. A kitchen in a retro look allows for plenty of counter space, cabinets of wood and glass, with generous use of wood, and space to display knick-knacks and collections of chinaware. You like the quirky look of vintage kitchen utensils and appliances, and the way pastel colours create an air of casualness and relaxation that helps to relieve the tedium of cooking. A generous-size table in your kitchen - which is also the dining room - invites family members to linger and relax over a meal (while you guilt them into washing-up). Go for a tiled floor in a checkerboard pattern for that 1950s look!
i think i'd rather go for something black, white, silver & grey...
minimalist and modern...
functional too...
专属天使の悪戯なKiss m(~_~)m
언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]
For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles
My music is my life
For you, for your smile...