Friday, November 11, 2005

The Magic Card Holder

In here lies a magic name card holder...

let's do a first round of magic testing with the empty name card holder...

Now watch the magic unfold... with a card placed inside...

Isn't it a wonder??? How does it actually do it??? I think the trick is in the way the elastic band is wound around the pieces of cardboard and stuck together to form the card holder... Not too bad for a locally designed product eh???

*Note: This product can be found at Homespun ... a shop that sells interesting products designed by local designers...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Wai Mai Delivery Anyone???

The following is a box of gifts that will be travelling over mountains, seas, and many many skies for over 24 hours to reach someone over the other side of the globe...

peace out,
Same Old Hor Fun Box!!!

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Bring on the painkillers....

bring on the painkillers...

creams, pastes, pills, etc...

i'm on 2 days' mc cos of my series of swollen, sore & red throat, peeling mouth ulcer, & swollen gums due to growing wisdom tooth...

and they are ALL happening on the SAME side of my mouth...

the ill-fated LEFT...

my larger-than-life ulcer from heatiness together with sore throat & growing wisdom tooth...

peace out,
Same Old Pain-in-the-mouth

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Nature's Beauty at it's BEST...

Saw this wonderfully beautiful sight when I was walking across the bridge one dusk... So captivating that I had to stop and start snapping with my HP...

I think despite the river being "dirty and icky" in my bro's words... I still think the sight looks B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L... Don't u agree? Anyway at this size the dirt is negligible...

Dusk sky clouds with river reflection

Dusk sky clouds river reflection

Dusk sky clouds

peace out,
Same Old Nature's Beauty

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My House - The Refugee Camp

My house in M-A-J-O-R changes now.... basically going thru upgrading...

but u feel like u r in a refugee camp n we're going thru a war zone...

to get a taste of how B-A-D it is...

my living room and hallway - pretty much cleared/ stuffed with stuff from rooms that had to be emptied for more impt things to go in...

my bro's room - turned into a temp store room for all sorts of stuff from my mum's room n e living room n hallway...

my room - turned into a temp store room for all sorts of stuff from my mum's room n e living room n hallway...

my toilets - with the tiles drilled off, pipes switched around... & the HIGHLIGHT... e portable cubicle toilet... in the kitchen... right next to the fridge... & Yes... NO HOT WATER....

peace out...
Same Old House Brand New View

Same Old Visitors